New Blog, Who Dis?

New Blog, Who Dis?

Hi there, Coach Huld (ve/ they) speaking!

That photo up there is me. Not Coach Huld so much as just Huld.

I’ve been meaning to make use of this website more the past year, with everything going on, but with everything going on, I never quite found myself doing this.

There are a few things I’d like to do with my blog:

Empowering People to Train Independently

During the year, I’ve developed a lot of thoughts about training from home or just on their own in general. I started writing notes for a book about how to work out on your own, talking in depth about how we train for ourselves, how to think about movement and using our muscles efficiently and what benefits and drawbacks different kinds of equipment have, etc.

However, notebooks only get me so far, and considering that my goal is to empower people to be confident in training themselves, having people read and respond to my own ideas is not just beneficial but crucial to making sure a potential book in the end is actually useful to people starting from scratch as I did nearly 20 years ago. Even if I could remember everything I would have liked to have known when I started, that’s just my experience and is far from applicable to everyone.

So some posts will be about that. It will be an advanced form of research and note taking while also sharing my knowledge, ideas and philosophies of exercise and fitness with you.

Food (but NOT dieting)

I love food. Food is fantastic, and has been such a source of joy and excitement for myself and my fiancée during the pandemic. We’ve both been vegetarian for years and went vegan in 2020. During this, we’ve been exploring how to cook in a way that delights us and nourishes us. Personally, I’ve been exploring my own Norwegian food culture through a vegan lens and developing vegan versions of classics I grew up on, and - like so many others - have been baking sourdough.

What I won’t be discussing is eating for weight loss or anything like that. I don’t really even want to discuss protein. There’s plenty of fitness blogs out there that put out High Protein Low Carb recipes for brownies or whatever, and that’s really not what I’m about as an explicitly fat positive person. There will be no calorie counters or macro diagrams, it will simply be posts to share my love of food and how I engage with it, and the things I’ve learned while exploring.

Other (?!?)

I’ll probably share a variety of things. I might talk about my transition or other things to do with being trans. I might talk about social issues. I might talk about some show I’ve watched. I dunno yet! Point is that there will be posts that are simply about being a human in the world right now. I have a lot of opinions, so you’ll probably hear them!

But primarily, this blog is about exercise. Thinking about it. Doing it. Hating it. Loving it. Etc. Any distinct topic will be marked by tags and categories and trigger warnings and content notes will be provided (and added if I forget or miss something.)

Hope to see you again soon!

There is no "Should"

There is no "Should"