Dumbbell Floor Fly

Dumbbell Floor Fly

  • Lie on the floor holding two equal weights to your side, feet flat on the floor.

  • Bend the elbows to bring the weights into the air.

  • Press them above your shoulders, straightening the arms, but not locking them out. Palms should be facing each other.

  • Slowly move the dumbbells out and down, parallel with your shoulders, until your elbows touch the floor.

  • Squeeze your chest muscles and “fly” the dumbbells back to the press position.

  • Keep your arms fixed in a slightly bent position.

  • Maintain activation throughout, don’t rest the dumbbells on the floor.

  • If you need to rest, rest in the top position with your dumbbells above your shoulders.

Dumbbell Floor Press

Dumbbell Floor Press

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